km-d.jpKei Miyazaki Design / KMD Inc.


香南町保健センター・社会福祉センターKonan Public Health Service Center
Konan Public Welfare Center

色彩・サイン計画 / 2002

Color Scheme, Sign Design / 2002


Sign planning for a health and welfare facility in Kagawa prefecture.
As many of the users of the facility are senior citizens or small children, we planned the signs so that they can be recognized well from low lines of sight . The system further avoids explanations in writing and guides using pictograms, so that people can understand just by seeing. The display is continuous from the floor to the wall, using the entire space to encourage people to act.

lo : 香川県高松市香南町
ar : プランツアソシエイツ
cl : 香南町

lo : Kagawa, Japan
ar : Plants Associates
cl : Kounan Town