km-d.jpKei Miyazaki Design / KMD Inc.


横浜市役所パブリックゾーンYokohama City Hall Public Zone Sign Project

サイン計画 / 2020

Sign Design / 2020


The lower floors of the Yokohama New City Hall include the places for civic activities, restaurants, and stores etc. This building is located at the junction of the districts that represent Yokohama and is also connected to two stations, then people can freely pass.
For sign design, we use white color which is associated with “silk” that is expressed in the history and architectural design of Yokohama. This color unites all signs with the image of dignified city hall.
The general information sign, which handles various information, was inspired by the sail expanded in the wind to express Yokohama’s character. Various information are organized obviously with the connecting system of continuous sail shape boards.

lo : 神奈川県横浜市中区
ar:竹中工務店 + 槇総合計画事務所
cl : 横浜市


lo : Kanagawa, Japan
ar:Takenaka Corporation + Maki and Associates
cl : Yokohama City