km-d.jpKei Miyazaki Design / KMD Inc.


URまちとくらしのミュージアムUR Museum of Urban and Lifestyle Design

サイン計画 / 2023

Sign Design / 2023


This UR Museum of Urban and Lifestyle Design is the museum where people could learn the origin of modern cities/towns and the history of housing complex and apartment buildings. This museum was built in the preservation area of old Akabanedai housing complex as the future-oriented information facility by learning the history of city life. Apartment buildings representing the Showa Period are exhibited in the museum and the building façade design represents the image of specimen box in which to store the reproduced housings.
For sign system in the museum, we created the title graphic boards like index with the image of spine of encyclopedias according to eight themes of exhibitions. Those were installed as guiding marks for tour routes and also as an accent of scene change.


lo : Tokyo, Japan
ar:ADH Architects
cl : Urban Renaissance Agency