km-d.jpKei Miyazaki Design / KMD Inc.



色彩・サイン計画 / 2014

Color & Sign Design / 2014


Recently this area where used to be warehouses has changed to residential area with highrise apartment buildings due to convenient transportation means to the center area of Tokyo. Tsukishima-Sou is new type shared-house, a collective of company dormitories, since those dormitories were owned by each company. This apartment has 644 rooms and the residents share the facilities such as kitchen, lounge etc. Furthermore, 644 rooms are divided into groups including around 50 rooms. Each group is called “Cluster” and they share the small similar facilities. The residents selected from each company enjoy their life only possible here, making use of merits of both living alone and living together, regardless of job type, age and nationality.
Colors vary the outside appearance and middle corridor scenery of uniformed unit type building which are apt to become monotonous, in addition to the viewpoints of waterscape.

lo : 東京都中央区
ar : 三菱地所設計
cl : 乾汽船株式会社

lo : Tokyo, Japan
ar : Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei Inc.
cl : Inui Global Logistics Co., Ltd.