加賀片山津温泉 街湯Kaga Katayamazu City Spa
「加賀片山津温泉 街湯」は、老朽化した街の共同浴場「総湯」に代わって新築された公共の施設である。「街湯」は、地区特有の温泉文化を継承しながらロケーションを柴山潟のほとりに移し、湖と密接な関係をもって計画された。開放的な建築デザインは、四季の移ろいや一日の時間の移ろいを存分に味わうことができる。特に、柴山潟の水面と浴槽の水が連続し、あたかも潟に浸っているかのように錯覚する「潟の湯」、それとは対比的に樹木に癒される「森の湯」の浴室からはそれぞれ自然の恩恵が楽しめる。
This is a new public hot spa, Onsen, after the old facility was removed due to aging. New building is designed with closely relationship to the lake Shibayama-Gata while succeeding unique traditional Onsen culture. There are two different types of bathroom; one is Gata-no-yu which has a continuous perspective from the bathroom to the surface of lake and another is Mori-no-yu which is surrounded by trees. People can enjoy its rich natural environment in both bathrooms. There are café, terrace in the building and walking trail is also developed. This Onsen helps revitalize this area. Our design policy for signage is to use simple shape and color for minimum expression not for disturbing the surrounding view.
lo : 石川県加賀市
ar : 谷口建築設計研究所
cl : 加賀市
lo : Ishikawa, Japan
ar : Taniguchi and Associates
cl : Kaga City