アルプスビルディングAlps Building
This is Sign design for new workplace of global electronics manufacturer, Alps Electric Co.,Ltd., under the name of beautiful electronic components.
We narrowed down the design points to two, “aggregate” and “flexibility”. There are the result of our following examination and understanding of the company profile and philosophy.
Their manufactures are not final products, but exert all of ability as an aggregate such as an important device for PC or cellular phone. And their business policy for manufacturing is characterized by their generous and flexible response and comprehensive ability. And each worker exists together as aggregate.
To visualize those keywords for new work space, we used aggregates of dots as the expression of potentially fuzzy image to display the pictograms and indication numbers.
lo : 東京都大田区
ai : 竹中工務店
cl : アルプスアルパイン株式会社
lo : Tokyo, Japan
ai : Takenaka Corporation