km-d.jpKei Miyazaki Design / KMD Inc.


道の駅 仁保の郷Roadside Station Niho

サイン計画 / 2000

Sign Design / 2000


Roadside stations are facilities promoted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport for users of general roads, usually including resting space, lavatories, road information and shops.
This Roadside Station Niho no Sato was newly built in the north outside district of Yamaguchi city. The building is designed simply and has an open feeling using local Hinoki, Japanese cypress. People can see the view from various viewpoints on the bridge. It is always busy with visitors and residents as the place of shopping and local communication.
The sign planning was developed under the theme of the rich variety and abundance of agricultural products which are this region’s identity and shows their names and signs in a visual way.

lo : 山口県山口市
ar : プランツアソシエイツ
cl : 山口市

lo : Yamaguchi, Japan
ar : PlantsAssociates
cl : Yamaguchi City