km-d.jpKei Miyazaki Design / KMD Inc.


電通本社ビルDentsu Head Office Building

サイン計画 / 2002

Sign Design / 2002

地上48階、ブーメランのような平面形状をもつ電通本社ビルのサイン計画。サインデザインのキーワードはボーダレス、エンドレスである。それは建築デザインを担当したジャン・ヌーベルが提示した「消えゆく建築」(vanishing architecture)というコンセプトを受け継いだものだ。

This is Sign planning for the head office building, 48-storied and boomerang-shaped, of Dentsu Inc., a major advertising agency in Japan. The building facade was designed by famous French architect Jean Nouvel.
With “borderless / endless” as the design concept, including expressions utilizing the transparency of glass, gradations and others, we incorporated the theme of Jean Nouvel’s architectural design concept, “vanishing architecture” into the signs. The signs themselves are made of glass bonded to metal, or of other bonded glass, with a special integrating technology for a high-quality design suitable for a space of intellectual creation.
This project, trying to clear out the border between architecture and sign design, was very challenging and we intended to further improve the space.

lo : 東京都港区
ar : アトリエ・ジャン・ヌーベル + 大林組
cl : 株式会社電通
ph : 丹青社

lo : Tokyo, Japan
ar : Ateliers Jean Nouvel + Obayashi Corporation
cl : Dentsu Inc.
ph : TANSEISHA Co., Ltd.