Roadside Station Yosioka-Onsen Sign Project
Roadside Station is a rest place for drivers. There are 600 similar facilities in Japan and each has own original local character typifies by direct sales shop of local vegetables.
This Roadside Station was constructed at Yosioka town of Gunma Prefecture where is north side approximately 100 km from Tokyo in 2009, also contains a hot-spring facility. In this area, periodic wind blow down from the neighboring mountains is very strong.
We use these local characters, wind and mountains, as motif of sign planning, and made tetrahedron-shape indication modeled mountains and windmill for giving the original character to this facilities.
SDA (Japan sign design Association) /Prize for Top-Excellence.
Architect : Miyazaki Hiroshi / Plants Associates Inc.
Complete date : 2010
Total floor area : 2,961m2